So yesterday, my classes were cancelled because snow is disturbing us over here. So I decided to join fitfam and go jogging. I'm actually planning a trip to one of the Caribbean islands later in the year and I have plans to tension them with my bikini pictures on social media. But, I digress. I wore a zip-up sports bra and may I add that I love these because they come off so easily after working out. All other kinds are a struggle to get out of.
Something like this.
       I drove to the indoor track at my school and cued my Naija music. As soon as  I started jogging, I felt the zipper unraveling. I tried to grab it but it was too late. Thankfully, nobody else was on the track at the time. So, I literally gathered my breasts and went in search of a bathroom. The devil is a liar. So, I searched for a bathroom for a good minute and all the bathrooms suddenly disappeared into thin air. See me see trouble o. Who sent me?
They don't want you to get a summer body.
      I lowkey started to panic. I thought about just going straight to my car to sort things out but I had to get through a sea of people to do that. While I was panicking, I saw this stairwell. I looked around for cameras and people and no one was in sight. That's how I ended baring my breasts to fix my bra in public. I thank Baba God nobody walked by because if anyone did, issolova Jackie. Thanks God our generation is too lazy tot take the stairs.

Yesterday's summary

Today's summary. Yay! I burned an extra calorie in less steps.

Thanks Google Images

     I read this Bible verse for the first time today and it really spoke to me. So, I decided to blog about it. Plus I'm trying to procrastinate. It made me think about how we love to talk about our goals and sort of fantasize all while taking little or no action towards the said goals. We talk about getting that new job or even traveling the world but are you actually working towards it? 
     For example, I'm in drug school, innit? After I graduate, I want work somewhere in my field where the majority of people don't. And I talk about quite often and think about it a LOT but my plans for after graduation aren't even solid yet. I realize I need to make sure I'm adequately prepared to execute my plans after graduation. I don't want to be the student that manages to graduate and does just that or the one that ends up settling for something they don't even want to do. 

     So don't just talk about it, do something about it, ask a mentor about it or do some research about it. Work hard on it and see what happens.

Okay, my pep talk is over now. I truly missed this blog.